As we reflect on God’s goodness this holiday season, we want to share with you things that fill our hearts with thankfulness.
Our Savior
Jesus is the reason Caring Hands exists. He is the hope for the hurting, the bread of life for the hungry, and our motive in serving. We desire to point people to Jesus in all that we do.
Our Volunteers
Caring Hands wants to provide compassionate care to our neighbors in eastern Polk County. We couldn’t do that without reliable volunteers who consistently show up and show compassion towards our food pantry visitors, treating them with dignity and respect. Our volunteers log over 7,000 hours of service each year. Thanks to their commitment, we are able to serve those in need in eastern Polk County.
Our Board
A strong board of directors is critical to a nonprofit organization’s success, ensuring we are on the right path as an organization. Caring Hands is blessed to have board members who are passionate about our mission and willing to give of their time, talent, and treasure to help us mobilize eastern Polk County for compassionate service toward our neighbors.
Our Donors
Even in times of economic uncertainty, our donors have shown a deep reserve of generosity. The amount a person gives isn’t necessarily indicative of their generosity. Some of the most generous gifts we have received haven’t been the largest gifts we have received. We are grateful for all monetary donations that come in to Caring Hands.
Our Neighbors
Sometimes life’s circumstances are such that our neighbors occasionally need a helping hand. Many people are one job loss or medical emergency away from financial crisis. We are grateful that our neighbors in need are comfortable coming to Caring Hands for assistance. Our food pantry is a judgment free zone. We don’t care what brings our neighbors here - we are just glad they come.
It’s our prayer that each of you have a blessed Thanksgiving with an abundance of family, friends, and food.