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Volunteer Spotlight - Ron McGrean

Our volunteers go above and beyond every day. Ron McGrean is no exception. A more recent addition to our volunteer roster, Ron has acclimated to Caring Hands like a seasoned veteran. When he’s not busy as a Project Manager for MJ Properties, he’s working hard to help us accomplish our goal of providing all our services under one roof.

How long have you been volunteering at Caring Hands?

April of 2022.

What is your church home?

Adventure Life Church

What inspired you to serve at Caring Hands?

I have a background in home building and enjoy helping people. Marvin VanderVelden from my church recruited me to start serving at Caring Hands.

What do you typically do when you volunteer?

You can usually find me at the new location working to prepare the space for our food pantry to move into.

Tell us about a time your work blessed you as a volunteer at Caring Hands.

Knowing that I can use my skills to make a more pleasant environment for those who visit Caring Hands Outreach Center is a blessing to me.

What do you wish people knew about Caring Hands?

How much they have to offer, and the large number of volunteers needed to run the programming smoothly.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you.

I’m a softy when it comes to my grandkids!


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