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Volunteer Spotlight - Darla Ueding

Caring Hands Outreach Center is incredibly grateful for the individuals who power our mission and make our community shine brighter. From lending their expertise to sharing a simple smile, our dedicated volunteers show the love of Christ, and we couldn't be more grateful for their selfless spirit. We want you to meet one of the wonderful souls who keep the wheels turning and the love flowing at Caring Hands, Darla Ueding.

When did you begin volunteering at Caring Hands?

April 2021

What do you do for a living?

I'm a Medical Review Analyst for Noridian Healthcare Solutions.

What inspired you to serve at Caring Hands?

I needed to do something for others. I work from a home office, and I miss being around people. I love shopping at second-hand stores. So, volunteering to help at Caring Hands was a perfect fit.

What do you typically do when you volunteer?

I sort and price items for the thrift store. I take items out to the store. I sort a lot of clothing. And when busy, I help out on the floor to help the customers.

Tell us about a time you were blessed by your work as a volunteer at Caring Hands.

I see it as a blessing when people bring children into the store and get so excited to get an item they might not otherwise have.

I had a broken arm and needed a piece of medical equipment. My husband was taking me to Walgreens to get it, but I first wanted to stop and say hi to my friends at Caring Hands. Lo and behold, there was the item I needed right there at the thrift store! It was brand new in a box and only a fraction of the cost of Walgreens.

I also feel better after volunteering than I did before I came in!! I love the people there.

What do you wish people knew about Caring Hands?

I wish people knew just how dedicated the staff are and how much good they do.

Tell us one thing most people don't know about you.

I am the youngest of 5. My parents had four boys; then, 11 years later, they had me. So, three siblings were gone from home when I was born.


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