Volunteers are crucial to the success of Caring Hands, providing invaluable support and assistance to our operations. Their dedication and selflessness enable us to reach more individuals and make a positive impact on their lives. Without volunteers, Caring Hands could not fulfill its mission of mobilizing compassion toward our community. We'd like you to meet one of these volunteers - Larry O'Connor.
What did you do before you retired?
I owned Larry's Building Service
What is your church home?
Adventure Life Church
When did you begin volunteering at Caring Hands?
April 1998
What inspired you to serve at Caring Hands?
I served with the pantry when it was at Adventure Life Church, helped move it to Pleasant Hill for one year, then back to Altoona on 9th Street. About five years ago, I retired and got excited about getting involved again when the new location opened. The first time I stepped into the new Secondhand Treasures, only one row of shelves was up. Since then, I've been volunteering consistently.
What do you typically do when you volunteer?
I do several things; my main job is overseeing cleaning the floors; I also help at the donation door, and drive several days a week, picking up food in the morning. Sometimes, I hang around and do whatever needs doing. Usually, I go home around noon.
Tell us about a time you were blessed by your work as a volunteer at Caring Hands.
I have seen so many people helped with food, rent, and utilities, which reminds me of the few years my family could have used a food pantry like Caring Hands.
What do you wish people knew about Caring Hands?
The need for food donations is never-ending. There are days when our food pantry visitors' selection is pretty slim.
Tell us one thing most people don't know about you.
I used to sell air - the same air we breathe. If you want to know how I could sell something free, stop by Caring Hands some morning and look me up!