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Looking Forward to 2023

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Heading into a new year often gives people an opportunity for a fresh start. For many, the month of January comes with new and exciting goals. For others, it is a joyful reflection of the previous year.

As we kick off a new year of ministry, we find ourselves in this season overwhelmed with gratitude as we reflect on 2022 and are excited to share our 2023 goals with you.

A time of reflection

Our time of reflection is best summed up with one simple statement: God is faithful. This year came with many changes, including moving our thrift store and food pantry to our new location. While change often produces uncertainty, God's faithful hand remained steadfast. This faithfulness was evidenced in the consistency of our generous donors, our church partners' encouragement, and our wonderful volunteers' dedication. All of which helped our ministry expand our reach in eastern Polk County like never before. We have a multitude of numbers that let us look at 2022 with thanksgiving.

  • Our two food pantries served over 5,000 households.

  • We nearly doubled the number of students served through our Backpack Program.

  • Our volunteers logged over 15,600 hours serving our neighbors with compassion.

  • Sales at Secondhand Treasures increased by over $100,000.

All of this was made possible through the faithful support of our generous donors and volunteers. 2nd Timothy 2:13 says, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself." Seeing the Lord's faithfulness in 2022 assures us that He will remain faithful in the coming days.

A time to set goals.

Reflecting on a great 2022 has given us an optimistic outlook for 2023. We asked some of our board members to share what they hope to see at Caring Hands this year.

Mike Hartwig

"I'd like to see us make further end roads into our local churches, support more people through our Uplift Program, and train more people to break the cycle of poverty."

Barron Geiger

"I want to see us grow the Uplift program and begin to offer classes and services to our clients that would help them spiritually and vocationally, assist with overall life skills development, and provide ongoing support when needed.

Nathan Anenson

"I would also like to see our ministry expand into the Colfax-Mingo area."

Melissa Horton

"I'd like to see Caring Hands start building relationships with outside organizations that provide additional services for our clients and community such as skill building, counseling for emotional and mental well-being, and jobs training."

Craig Perry

"I am most excited about our Uplift Program and expanding our services."

Sharon VanderSchel

"I see us prioritizing staff, volunteers, and neighbors to promote flourishing through encouragement, training, and life skill resources."

So, for us at Caring Hands, this January represents a time of great anticipation. Reflection has shown us God's steadfastness even in times of uncertainty, and goals have given us a lot to look forward to. We pray this encourages you as we move forward in mobilizing compassion in 2023!


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