As a ministry looking to impact its surrounding community, Caring Hands has centered its mission on this foundation: It’s all about Jesus. Our ministry seeks to holistically represent and glorify His name in the way we operate, the way we serve, and most importantly, the way we pray.
When looking at Christ in His earthly ministry, you don’t have to look far to see prayer as a central component. Luke 5:16 tells us that Jesus would frequently withdraw from the crowds and gatherings to find places where he could spend intimate time with the Father.
A perfect example of the power of prayer is found in Matthew 4. In between His baptism in Matthew 3, and the beginning of His earthly ministry in 4:12, we find the popular story of Jesus’ time in the desert for forty days and forty nights before being tempted by the devil. Some might wonder why Christ did not immediately begin His earthly ministry. What made his forty days in the wilderness so important? Jesus sets an important example for us to follow. He shows us that ministry will not be successful if that ministry is absent of continuous prayer. If Christ has so evidently shown us the importance of prayer in ministry, then we as imitators of Christ must not neglect His example.
Pastor Matt Agee with Grace Church had this to say on Matthew 4, “All we need to understand the importance of prayer is to consider Jesus. He lived by prayer. If the Son of God felt the need to live by prayer, then so should His followers. Prioritizing is not optional; it is essential”.
So, what does it look like to be a participant in fostering a culture of prayer within Caring Hands? We simply ask that you look no further than the example of Christ. We ask that you believe the words of James 5:16 when it says, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” We ask that you faithfully pray for our ministry’s specific needs under the firm belief that we serve a God who hears our prayers and has the power to answer them; a God who said in Jeremiah 29:12, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”
Caring Hands has many areas where we ask for intentional prayer. Pray for the leadership of Caring Hands that through wisdom and discernment we would be better equipped to reach those who need help. Pray for God to bring people into our doors and those who need help would gladly receive it. Pray for the volunteers who keep our ministry going and pray that God would continue to grow our team. Pray for funding and donations that we would have everything we need. Most importantly, pray that our ministry would represent the character of Christ and that His name would be made known through Caring Hands.
If you would like to know more about the specific ways in which you can pray for our ministry, sign up for our monthly newsletter which includes a prayer request section. We are so thankful for those who have faithfully prayed for those needs.
We are so thankful for our amazing volunteers who faithfully serve to impact their surrounding community. When you think about ways to support Caring Hands in the future, remember that faithful support is as simple as following the example of prayer Christ has set for us.